
研究生 & 助教奖学金


Discover how to secure a 研究生 assistantship, explore available funding opportunities tailored for 研究生 students, 并熟悉在澳门新葡新京官方成功获得研究生学位的必要要求. 我们致力于帮助你在学术和专业上茁壮成长,因为你追求你的深造.


这些职位由学生所在的部门/项目分配,并受澳门新葡新京官方和UAW/毕业生雇员组织(GEO)之间的协议约束。. 研究生助教的所有请求和询问都应直接向部门/项目的研究生项目主任(GPD)提出.

AY24-25 Graduate Assistantship Stipend Guide


在澳门新葡新京官方, we recognize the significance of research in advancing knowledge and fostering innovation. 这就是我们提供服务的原因 研究生研究基金, 使研究生能够追求自己的研究目标,并在各自的领域做出有意义的贡献. 通过这些基金, you can access financial support for research-related expenses, 包括数据收集, 出差参加会议, 以及专门的设备.


Although we hold commencement ceremonies each 可以, 澳门新葡新京官方在五月颁发学位, 8月, 和12月. All requirements for any advanced degrees must be completed by the degree conferral date. Submit an application to 研究生 and read 常见问题 about graduation and commencement.


在指定的学位授予期(12月)内授予任何高级学位的所有要求, 可以, 8月) must be completed by the degree date. Your degree application is due in the Registrar’s Office by the 发表的最后期限. 除了, 200美元的毕业处理费将通过财务司办公室打到你的学生账户上,可以使用你以前的付款方式支付. 联系 bursar@lunchpenny.com with commencement fee and bill-related questions.

硕士论文和博士论文的格式指南包含了这些要求的大学标准格式的信息. This publication is available from each 研究生 program director, 或者研究生办公室的 & 研究.






Passing a preliminary comprehensive or qualifying examination conducted by the program, or successfully completing a qualifying 纸. Any student who fails the comprehensive examination may, at the discretion of the examining committee, be permitted a second and final examination. 在初步考试成功完成后,学生将被录取为候选人.

一旦学生通过了初步综合考试并被录取为候选人, 研究生项目主任应向研究生院院长推荐至少三名教员的名字作为工作论文委员会. At least two of the faculty so nominated shall be from the candidate's program.

每个论文委员会必须有一名由研究生院院长指定的外部成员作为院长代表. 由程序决定, the dean's representative may serve as a working member from the inception of 该委员会, or may participate only at the time of the defense. 无论哪种情况, 院长代表是委员会的投票成员,必须在论文上签名. Specific information is available from each program director.

Passing a final (at least partly oral) examination conducted by the dissertation committee. This examination shall be primarily concerned with, 但不一定限于, 候选人的学位论文. This examination shall be scheduled when all the dissertation committee members and the Office of Graduate Studies agree that the dissertation is sufficiently complete to undergo defense; approval of the dissertation, 越过防守, and/or recommending the degree are not implied by scheduling this examination.

学位论文工作委员会负责批准学位论文立项, 监督其执行, and to arrange for the final examination of the student. 委员会的所有成员必须在最后的口头考试之前初步批准论文, and agree that it is time for this examination to be held. Most programs require the student to deliver a public lecture on his or her research, usually on the day the final oral examination takes place. The final oral examination itself is attended by the candidate, 该委员会, 任何受邀的客人. 只有委员会成员才能投票, and the student can pass the final oral examination only with their unanimous approval. If, 在期末考试中, 两名成员投了反对票, the candidate will be informed that he or she has not passed the examination. 如果只有一票反对票, 学位将被搁置,等待学生和持不同意见的委员会成员满意地解决异议. Final program approval is represented by the signature of the 研究生 program director.

由研究生项目主任提供给研究生办公室的文件,说明博士生在以下各个阶段的进展. Those marked with an asterisk must be approved in writing by the Dean of Graduate Studies:

  • 接受候选人资格
  • 论文委员会的组成*
  • 论文开题接受情况
  • declaration of intention to defend dissertation*
  • 成功的国防
  • 根据大学的论文准备指引*完成论文
  • 累积平均分为3分.0 in all 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 courses counting toward the degree.
  • if required by the candidate's program, a period of full-time residency at the University. The residency consists of a minimum of two consecutive semesters, either a fall-spring or a spring-fall sequence. In order to qualify for full-time status, a student must be enrolled for nine or more credits per semester, 无论是在常规研究生课程或博士论文学分(899)或两者的某种组合. 要住在学校,学生必须在学期中每周的某个时间出现在校园里.

Requirements for the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study

CAGS课程为硕士学位水平以上的教育工作者提供专业发展. All credits must be earned at the University, and candidates must maintain a 3.0的绩点. 有兴趣攻读CAGS的学生应联系适当的研究生项目主任.


The basic requirements for the master's degree are given below. Students should consult the individual program descriptions for further requirements.

Each degree candidate must earn at least 30 研究生 credits.

每个硕士课程将包括作为毕业要求的顶点经验,可能包括, 但不必局限于, 一篇论文, 纸, 书面或口头综合考试, 或者是研讨会. 在论文选项的情况下, the work will be evaluated by a committee of at least three members, two of whom must be 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 faculty. 在其他选项的情况下, 在评估学生作业的质量时,至少要有一名主课教师以外的其他教员参与.

Some programs require that the capstone be 一篇论文, which shall be under the supervision of a committee, 由研究生项目主任推荐并经研究生院院长批准的成员组成. The thesis shall follow the University's guidelines for thesis preparation, 并且需要正式的辩护. The thesis must be approved by all members of 该委员会, the 研究生 program director acting on behalf of the program, 以及研究生院院长. Students submitting 一篇论文 may earn up to six credits through independent study, and up to ten credits through the thesis.

Some programs may require a general exam in addition to or instead of a capstone or thesis.

Foreign language requirements are determined by each master's degree program.


The candidate must have 累积平均分为3分.0 in all 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 courses counting toward the degree.


每个学术课程都为自己的高级学位候选人制定了外语要求. 该计划决定了外语的数量和所需的能力水平. 在这一要求中,外语被定义为考生母语以外的语言, 其中有一个重要的文献相关的他或她的学科. The term "foreign language" does not include computer languages.

For information about the College of Education and Human Development, 访问他们的网站.


Policies and Forms for 毕业论文



  • By 11:59 PM (EST/EDT) on the dates below, you must submit a copy of your defended and revised thesis/dissertation, approved in full for content by your program, to the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) via the 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿/ProQuest/UMI ETD 网站.

                 July 20            for an 8月 degree date
                December 1    for a December degree date
                April 20            for a 可以 degree date

Standards for the Preparation of 毕业论文 at the University of M

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